Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Any Day Now!!

While technically it is still 13 days until our due date, I am now full term so the baby can arrive any day now.
Jesse and I are waiting on pins and needles anticipating the baby's arrival. Anytime I make a sudden noise like... "ooo" or "ugh" has will ask... "are you OK?". Those noises are typically me responding to the baby playing patty cake with my bladder or something. I tell Jesse if I start contractions or have any inclining that labor is beginning he would be the 1st to know.

I am sooo excited to meet our new little boy or girl. To hold he/she in my arms and look in it's eyes will be such a joy. Words can not express the excitement or feelings I have been having most recently. To know that we (Jess and I) have created a person...... wow.

We are meeting with the Dr. tomorrow and hopefully he will discuss any plans of induction. Since I have been diagnosed with gestational diabetes for the last month of my pregnancy there is a possibility of me being induced a week early. If that is the case we could have a baby by this coming week!

We will keep you posted.