Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Any Day Now!!

While technically it is still 13 days until our due date, I am now full term so the baby can arrive any day now.
Jesse and I are waiting on pins and needles anticipating the baby's arrival. Anytime I make a sudden noise like... "ooo" or "ugh" has will ask... "are you OK?". Those noises are typically me responding to the baby playing patty cake with my bladder or something. I tell Jesse if I start contractions or have any inclining that labor is beginning he would be the 1st to know.

I am sooo excited to meet our new little boy or girl. To hold he/she in my arms and look in it's eyes will be such a joy. Words can not express the excitement or feelings I have been having most recently. To know that we (Jess and I) have created a person...... wow.

We are meeting with the Dr. tomorrow and hopefully he will discuss any plans of induction. Since I have been diagnosed with gestational diabetes for the last month of my pregnancy there is a possibility of me being induced a week early. If that is the case we could have a baby by this coming week!

We will keep you posted.


Friday, February 4, 2011

8 Weeks and Counting!

It has been a while since we have posted. My apologies since much time has passed since our last post.
I am currently 32 weeks pregnant with 8 weeks left to go. We have just started to count down till Baby H is expected.

My pregnancy has been wonderful so far! It has been a surreal experience carrying a child. I love to feel the baby kick, squirm, and hiccup. Jesse finally felt the baby move on my tummy.

We completed our Childbirth Preperation classes and we feel as ready as we can be. The nursey is almost completed!

We will keep you updated with more information and pictures.
